What is Mobility Analysis ?
Sedentary jobs and a comfortable life make us lose both mobility and strength.
The body design is for movement and when we get confined to a room or even a chair, both mobility and in reduce of strength.
As reserves of body is excellent, we do manage till 60 but after that we see difficulty in even the day-to-day activities.
Loss of muscle is called sarcopenia and it will start at the age of 40. Unless we are aware and work towards avoiding it, this problem will progress. Gaining lost muscle, freedom in movement, and bone is difficult. We need to prevent the deterioration. The idea of 10k steps will help, but it is not enough. It is about maintaining strength and mobility.
It’s here that the concept of mobility analysis comes to place, it’s a battery of tests of movement to understand strength, symmetry, and stability and to grade it. After we grade or score a person’s individual deficits, we can then systematically work to address them.
It’s like giving a test and seeing where the weakness of a student lies and then working on the weakness. It is possible only if the person involved first becomes self-aware and then wants to rectify it.
MA identifies the deficit and works towards Correction.
Benefits are long-term wellness.
What is MA helpful for ?
It is helpful to know why a person is getting in pain. let us take back pain. What are the factors that lead to it? Like many years of unchecked high cholesterol increases the chance of a heart attack, we know it is mobility and strength issues that lead to back pain.
So many corrective physical and movement issues exist that someone interested in improving can very easily come out rather than making these issues chronic.
While doing mobility analysis for a person who had one or many episodes of back pain, we identify the risk factors and correct them individually or guide people to work on themselves.
Most knee pain, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, pelvic pain, ankle, and heel pain have their origin in some ignored movement or strength issue. It has to be treated before it becomes a recurrent disturbing pain.
Who can / Should undergo MA ?
Firstly, Children above 14 years of age, if interested in sports, should know where the weakness lies, so that those correctives are included in their training and do not end up with imbalance and injuries.
Secondly, any person above 20-25 years who starts getting ready to join a gymnasium for the first time or anyone with any joint pains of unknown origin.